Saturday, June 04, 2016

Blue water bottle

"Do you pay a deposit on the water bottle?" I asked Matt.

We were sitting behind the Hostalet enjoying an apèro with friends. Matt and Jonathan are as much friends as owners of the hotel. It is a place we often end up at the end of a day of writing. Sometimes other friends are there. Sometimes we are alone and they have time to chat.

They often have a wonderful tapenade that they make on the premises.

He nodded.

"If I give you the deposit, may I have the bottle?" I loved its shape and color.

"You may have it."

I took it.

Today I used it as a vase with flowers bought from the marché.

It is just as I imagined it would be when I look up from my laptop.

1 comment:

Stephanie Gau t said...

I like the pig in the poke!