Sunday, April 10, 2016

vide grenier

I adore vide greniers (flea markets) which are in plentiful supply in neighboring French villages. They are especially great on a Sunday when the temperature is 22°C and the vide grenier is held along a working port. Blue skies, the sea, boats, what could be more perfect?

One of my goals is to build a picnic basket with everything found at vide greniers
  • baskets
  • dishes
  • cutlery
  • containers
  • table cloth
  • napkins
It will be more than a picnic basket that could be bought any where, but a memory basket first in its acquisition and second for the picnics to be savored.

There are lovely lakes near here and the pine forest near the la plage has tables. I am looking forward to adding local wines, cheeses, olives, fruits, veggies and other delights to the basket.

We saw some almost-possible baskets. However, May 1 Argelès becomes a giant vide grenier. I am sure we will find some of the things we're looking for.

I passed a violin at one of the tables. As a fourth grader I took three lessons and the professor told my mother he was wasting his money.

Over the last few years I've been tempted to try again. 

Putting the instrument under my chin felt good. Stroking the strings...well...the professor who is probably long dead, might be looking down from heaven thinking, "I told her mother she was wasting her money." I might have bought the violin but 150 Euros for something I might never do???? Nope.

Better to see if the music school has teachers and rent an instrument.

We did make one purchase, the magazine rack above for 10 Euros for the Reading Room (aka toilet).

Stopping for a cup of tea and croissant just added to the joy of the day.

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