Thursday, April 23, 2015

Paper was the iPad of Medieval Britain

The first day of my online course about medieval manuscripts.

I learned about punctuation marks, abbreviations, how to transcribe following the rules so everyone understands the transcription..

The first book we looked at could be dated 1308 but not before because it mentions the Death of Edward I of England the coronation of his son Edward II.

The second looked into a book of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales.

I'm sorry I missed the first part of the course which dealt with the technical parts of producing a manuscript, although I'd done research on the topic a while back.

However, the combined use of paper and parchment in the Chaucer book brought about the fantastic quote from the professor: "Paper was the iPad of Medieval Britain."

Which reminded me of the youttube about the medieval monk from the help desk who was showing the monk scribe how to convert from rolled manuscripts to books. Worth a look-see for a giggle.

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