Sunday, February 08, 2015

Why Rick and I are an O'Henry couple

Anyone who knows the O'Henry, the Gift of the Magi short story will understand why I say we are an O'Henry couple. For those that don't know it, there's a link.

I bought Angel as a surprise for Rick. (the beige pup in the middle to help keep Scoob II in line). She appears sweet when dealing with the bunnies and Petite Cougar but not everything is on the up and up.

In an earlier blog, she's threatened the Scoob.

Meanwhile Rick bought Thé Noir and Miel (black tea and honey, his favorite morning beverage for mornings) for me.

As I went to turn on my computer this morning, I saw the three newbies plotting against Scoob. Oh the adventures they are going to have.

Do they know that they are going to Monaco and Corsier?

Stay tuned, film at 11.

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