Monday, February 16, 2015

No weather contest

This is a blog written but not posted a few days ago.  

I don't want to get into a bad weather contest, especially with people who are shovelling like mad in various places around the globe.

My daughter in Boston contributed these photos and referred to her car as the white lump. They now have 84 inches of snow.

The ski areas in several places have too much snow --  yes you read that right -- They have too much snow to ski.

Geneva is experiencing winds of up to 60km/h. At that speed water can be thrown from the lake and with the minus temperatures perhaps the cars and benches along the water will once again be covered in ice, thick ice up to a foot thick depending.

My housemate is probably cheering her new windows.

Last night the Tramantane talked and sometimes yelled all night. It was like a machine. There are gusts of up to 95Km/h. When I walked to my Spanish lesson this morning, my shopping basket was blown at a 90° angle as I struggled to stay upright.

So, I don't want to get into a "My weather is worse that your weather" contest. I am willing to say everyone I know is living in brrrrrrrrrrrrr conditions.

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