Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Meeting an old friend in Basel

Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?

When I lived on Wigglesworth Street, a few short blocks from the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, it was not unusual as a member to pop in to see a couple of paintings to renew my spirit before going home at the end of the day. 

Gauguin's painting in the photo above was one that I might make a detour to see even if I browsed some other gallery.

The first of hopefully four adventures with J. in 2015 and I was to Basel to see the Paul Gauguin exhibit (to eat well, wander around, check out the statues and the architecture).

Many of the works I knew. 

Some I didn't. I hadn't realised he had done ceramics for example.

The guided audio tour taught me a bit more about him, but then I entered the room and there was the painting that he considered his masterpiece work, my old friend from Boston.

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