Monday, January 05, 2015

Ordinary day

Chores: Buy bread, walnut oil, romaine lettuce, shampoo.

Stops: Boulangerie, grocery, green grocers

Trajectory time: 5 mins. from house to furthest store

Time to buy everything: 15 mins. max.

Time door to door: 15 mins

Reason: Meeting people as follows
  • Stephanie: talk about holidays, vacations, joy of work, their daughter.
  • Maria: Discuss left over responsibilities from Barbara's death, daughter's problems in Spain, their trip to New Zealand, Australia and AirBNB.
  • R&E: quick catch up then shared a coffee at La Noisette and discussion on history of Vikings and ancestory
  • Louise: Discussion on American journalists renting one of their places. She thinks we'd like them.
  • Pedro: exchange of holiday wishes
  • Gigi: Arrange for him to change lights in warren
  • Sylvie and Muffin (Westie) exchange of holiday wishes, comments about weather, dog patting
  • Favorite mamie: cheek kisses and greetings and comments about beautiful weather
This is typical of life in our small village.

Later in the day, Rick and I took a walk and on the way back saw six friends at La Noisette. Sat for another coffee and chat.

It is rare that La Noisette, located on the corner of our street, is empty. Usually we know anywhere from 1 to 10 people sitting there.

Rick wasn't even surprised that I was gone so long to buy four things, five minutes away from our home.

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