Thursday, December 04, 2014

Go Boris

 I was never a big fan of Boris Johnson, a dual US-UK citizen. However his refusal to pay US taxes makes me cheer him on. He does pay taxes in the UK where he lives, works and where the money comes from. He is not alone. The overreach of the US government attacks all 7 million expats, green card holders outside the US and accidental Americans all over the world.

"Johnson’s U.S. tax bill for the sale of his home in London is thought to be in six figures. Given that the home is in the country he lives and works in, and he has not lived in the U.S. since he was 5, you can see why he thinks it’s ‘outrageous.'”

Even more absurd is that the US is the US because it fought against the British charging people living in the colonies tax. They had no representation. Neither do the expats.

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