Sunday, November 23, 2014

Neat freak gets comeuppance

I am a neat freak. 

I admit it.

If I take a piece of paper out, I put it away or throw it away or file it (file being a pile that someday maybe will make it into folders but all the edges align).

I had plans that when we left for Ireland everything would be perfect.

The bed in the nest would be made up for my daughter with perfectly ironed pillow cases and duvet covers.

The warren would have everything in its place and would be cleaned.

All the Christmas presents would be wrapped.

All we would have to do would be to decorate the tree that our friend would buy and leave on the patio, stuff the stockings, and buy Christmas day dinner. We are spending Christmas eve with friends.

However, I didn't count on extra wash. For the first time since 2003 (Rick don't read the next six words) I wish I had a dryer.

I didn't count on a stomach bug.

At the moment there is no clear surface in the flat.  

Last Christmas was wonderful even though I had a cold and we didn't decorate as I had hoped. It was our first Christmas together and it was filled with love and laughter.

This year my daughter will be with me. She won't care that the duvet covers aren't ironed. I suspect she is saner than her mother. 

What gets done gets done. What doesn't doesn't.

Two unneeded papers on a desk means nothing in a world where people live under bombs.

A comeuppance is good for time to time. Still when I look at the cartoon below, I hope the lamp stays in the place it was meant to be.

1 comment:

Jane Franks said...

Sounds familiar!! Nice to know I'm not the only one!! :-)