Monday, September 08, 2014

Why the animals

Regular readers, whom I know, have asked, "Why the animals?"

It goes back to when my daughter was in high school. Whenever she didn't do something, she blamed it on the trauma of NOT having a stuffed Scooby. At the time none were available.

Fast forward several years. I hear from a friend that they are selling Scooby's at Quincy market and I ask him to buy one, give it to Llara and I'll send him a check. 

He did. 

I did.

Fast forward a few more years. Llara and Scooby are living with me in Geneva. Whenever she goes out I do something silly with Scooby. He sits in the bidet, he irons, he reads a book, etc.

Llara spends a lot of time wondering if she is the adult in the mother-daughter relationship.

Fast forward still more years. Julia and I visit Llara's dorm in Scotland where she's studying for a masters. We see Scooby. We do something with him that I no longer remember.

Fast forward, just a bit more. Llara and Scooby are back with me in Geneva. Rick is there too. He learns about it. His creative mind goes to work and Scooby goes to restaurants, helps him cook beef stew, suns himself at the lake, etc.

My housemate J, also with a great creative mind gets caught up in the game. Scooby travels to the mountains with and recounts his adventures. She even makes up a wonderful, wonderful book of the combined blogs of the three of us about Scooby and gives them to Llara and I for Christmas.

The story evolves. Scooby has an affair with my Petite Cougar (a gift from Rick because I'm older than he is.)

He loves her and leaves her and then Scooby II is born.

Two stuffed rabbits, Honey Bunny and Herr Hare appear in the house (I think Rick got them at a conference). Rick and I are now spending time in Argelès.

When there are two writers in a house, the possibilities just keep coming. They help Petite Cougar take care of the baby who is always getting into trouble. Of course this is documented in blogs and on Facebook. Scooby II's trip to St. Petersburg still has to appear in a blog (hint, hint, hint Rick).

The adventure continues. I believe Scooby II will do anything to visit with his father when we travel to the States.He's already hidden himself in my suitcase when I came back to Geneva and we'll be leaving from Geneva.

My daughter is still shaking her head while Julia, Rick and I all believe being adult is vastly overrated.

1 comment:

Susanne said...

I have always maintained that there is a significant difference between being childish and being childlike!