Saturday, August 23, 2014

Page 212 and still pushing on

I'm a lucky, lucky, lucky writer.

I have Julia of the 20 pages to edit my manuscripts.

I have my husband to edit them as well

Interestingly they come up with different things, although there are some overlaps. Those pesky missing or extra quotation marks when no character has uttered a word are a Julia specialty.She does wonderful verb tense corrections, removes prepositions from the end of sentences and knows where a missing that belongs.

Her eagle-eye spotted a mistake with a recipe and also something in the text that referred to a recipe.

Rick gets about half of them but questions more content. If something isn't clear or there's a continuity question his track change button works overtime.

My book will be much better because of either of them but that's why I say I'm a lucky, lucky, lucky writer--I have both of them. They are wonderful editors.

I'm on page 212 of 288 pages trying to get all their edits in before going back to Geneva so I won't have to carry the paper edit back. Rick used track changes, which makes it easy for me to look at his edits and suggestions and then add Julia's.

That doesn't mean the ms is finished. I'll need to reread and rewrite one last time, do a family history, acknowledgements and all the paperwork needed to go with the submission.

Frankly at this point, I'm sick of the book. It always happens at this point. I've about 20,000 words on the next one and would love to get back to it.

Other things are getting in the way such as a weekly newsletter to write or entering my mother's recipes in a blog, or learning more about Paper53 or my iPAD or just having time to read more, take more walks with Rick, cook.

Our heavy travel schedule in the fall will make writing difficult, although I'm really excited about the travels which includes Il Divo in Stuttgart (we found out after buying the tickets, they were playing in Geneva).

If only the days could be stretched to do all the wonderful things that there are to do.

Meanwhile page 213 awaits.

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