Saturday, June 14, 2014

Signs of summer

It's not officially summer, but it was 35° today. I was able to control grumpy partially because Rick had brought home another sign of summer -- Watermelon from Elisabeth's.

I still remember the summer that watermelon was forbidden from our house. My brother and I had taken the seeds and tested to see how many we could get stuck to the ceiling. Too many for my mother and we had to wait until the following year before we could have any more.

As Rick and I ate the first pieces, I did look at the ceiling.

There's still some in the frigo and Elisabeth's is only a block away so we should be able to indulge often when summer starts officially.

1 comment:

Ginger Dawn...A Spice Below The Horizon said...

We have about four tiny melons growing on the vine! Lots of squash soon!