Sunday, May 04, 2014

He looks at me like I'm crazy

My poor husband has a sore throat.

I give him my time-tested cures.

The gargling with hot salt water didn't impress him.

Nor does wearing a scarf.

He does drape one around his shoulders.

"That's not the point," I tell him. I arrange it so his throat is totally protected.

He pretends (although I'm sure he will swear it wasn't pretend) I'm strangling him.

I was originally skeptical when a German guest in Boston did it. After living in Europe for over two decades I'm a believer.

"The tradition comes from Northern Europe and especially Germanic countries. No one knows exactly why it helps, the theory is that it raises the temperature of your throat very slightly but that is enough to make the environment more hostile to the infection. Thereby giving your immune system a chance to respond to it and clear it from your system before the infection has a chance to get serious. An other possible mechanism is that the slight warming helps draw immune cells to the area, speeding recovery."

Or believes as I do.

When I worked in a company I always knew who had a sore throat by the way they wore their scarves, which also reduced contagion.

My love claims he wore the scarf to bed.  I don't dare try the hot cloth under the scarf theory on him or he may have me examined by a psychiatrist. If it comes to that I will insist on finding one with a sore throat and a scarf.

As I was writing this he was in the shower. I'm sure he hadn't a scarf on. When he came out in his robe, the bath towel was tied around his neck. He stopped and stared at me.

Will he blog his side of the story?  And will he be wearing a scarf when he does?

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