Thursday, May 15, 2014

Client service

When I first moved to Switzerland I decided that the term client service meant that the client was there to service the business. Waitresses considered cleaning a table more important than engaging with diners waiting to order, store clerks didn't like to be interrupted from their chats to give information about a product or even ring up an order.

It has improved.

Saying this, I was gobsmacked with the excellent service I got from Visilab this spring.

Although eye surgery was supposed to make glasses unnecessary, I still needed them. There had been a major improvement. For example I saw a stain on my bedroom ceiling. My housemate told me it had been there eight years but I couldn't see it.

I used the new glasses mainly for reading and the computer. In between I'd put them down somewhere, the somewhere being the challenge many times a day.

Looking for my glasses became an Olympic sport. Both J and R deserve gold medals for finding them for me so often. They deserve a silver for not screwing the glasses to my head to prevent future glasses safaris.

I decided I wanted bifocals that I could put on when I got out of bed in the morning and take off after I got into bed and put my book away. I figured I save hours of hunting time. I thought they would save hours of hunting time.

Visilab was having a great deal. Your age as a percentage off. Too bad I wasn't a 100, but still 71 was a lovely discount.

The perky young examiner was charming and careful with her measurements checking and double checking. I picked up my glasses, but they weren't quite right.

I wore them for at least two weeks thinking my adjustment would come.

It didn't.

Then Visilab sent me a customer satisfaction survey.

I praised the examiner, the staff, the speed of service, etc. I wrote a note that the only problem was that the glasses themselves were not comfortable in terms of seeing either close or far.

I didn't think a thing more about it.

Then I got an email from the examiner saying to come in for adjustment.

I did. She remeasured, made slight adjustments and I picked up my new glasses.

Distance excellent

Reading excellent

Computer? Not quite right but that could be the angle of the computer. I bet when I'm at my desk in Argeles they will work.

Good client service. Anyone in Switzerland... you can trust Visilab.

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