Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Sometimes I'm dumb

My Plan A had been to wake early, read a bit and then go up to the village with my housemate to shoot the yellow flowers and walk back down the hill. The walk with the view of the vineyards, lake and Jura is always a pleasure. The day was too gray to get the colour I wanted. And the gray was hiding the Jura.

My Plan B was to get straight to work. I've a letter to write about insurance, two interviews to prepare for, my own writing, a bit of client billing, and a new newsletter to start.

Downstairs I saw that my housemate had left a magazine that she'd be taking to coffee (a Tuesday ritual of years) with a good friend. They exchange women's magazines.

This one had a story about a missing sister, a mother who developed Alzheimer's at 29, some recipes. As I poured water over my tea, I thought what a shame...I wouldn't have a chance to read it.


I'm retired (Llara, stop laughing).
  • Yes, the letter should be done because it is need for my visa to travel in late May. 
  • Yes, the interviews have to be prepared for but I have until 15:00. 
  • Yes, I eventually I need to bill my clients if I want money to come in.
  • Yes, I want to write
But none of it had to be done immediately. Instead of taking my porridge and tea upstairs, I ate in the kitchen, admired the yellow tulips in the centre of the table and read the magazine cover to cover.

One should always take time to smell the tulips. Are you listening self??????

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