Thursday, January 23, 2014

Blog on blogging

Blogging is cheaper than going to a psychiatrist. As frustrations seep through your fingers onto the keyboard, a certain sense of peace arrives.

Mine started as a well-why-not? and wouldn’t it be a good way to warm up for the day’s writing.

My blog helped me deal with--and at times even enjoy--my cancer, although not having had the experience would have be preferable. Rick is trying to turn it into a Kindle book that we will offer at no or minimal cost with any proceeds to go to the cancer research. We are about 40% close to finishing, but we’ve so many other deadlines to take care off, that this is taking a back seat.

Blogging is also a way to share the good things with friends who are not nearby. The only downside, is that when you tell them something they say, “Oh, I read that on your blog.” Makes me more of a listener to them than a talker at them.

Blogs can lead to an ahhhhh moment. About an hour after I posted my Happy Birthday (below) blog, a friend (with one of the most soothing speaking voices ever) saw me at the marché “Your daughter is really beautiful,” she said. 

Then there are people who when I say or do something say, “Put this on your blog” or “Have I a blog for you.”

My housemate  and husband both blog. It keeps me in touch whether or not we are in the same place. In fact I can be in the same house with one or the other and check their blogs with a sense of disappointment when they haven’t written anything.

There are some rules I follow in blogging. I don’t want to reveal anything too personal without checking with the person. Photos of people who don’t want them posted are a no-no.

On the other hand there are blogs I love such as (not a complete list of those that I check regularly) and those blog as well. Take a peek...  It may be inactive now, but some of the ideas of kid raising are great.

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