Thursday, August 29, 2013

Red Geranium tour of Les Marecottes

The weather is early fall crisp at the chalet, perfect for a walk. I decided to do a red geranium tour of the village. Here's a sample of the photos I took. I could have as easily done a pink geranium tour.

The announcement board for the village with the Swiss and Valais flags in the background and a mountain or two.
Geraniums to the left of me, geraniums to the right of me. As I was taking this the school bus came by leaving me pressed to the wall. I do like the St. Bernard painted on the bus.
 More geraniums on the path leading to a wonderful walk.

 The geraniums on the entrance to our chalet.
Okay, not red geraniums but one of my favourite places in the village. There's a water dish for dogs (see sing) and the bench invites hikers to sit and rest.

This mail box with Japanese-style painted flowers and a pot of geraniums leads up to another chalet.

In between I chatted to an old woman with a cane who was thrilled with the day, a couple with two little dogs. I knew my daughter who will disappear back to the States was still in hugging distance for a few more days and my lovely housemate was having a calm day (a rarity lately). Rick is back in Argelès doing things he needs to do and will be up next week. Life could not be better.

This is good. Our new watch words 


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