Thursday, June 13, 2013

Living in a gallery

My "nest" is much too small for Rick and I not just in space but because I'm so neurotic about neat. It is not fair to him that he follows my routine of when I put down a piece of paper, I deal with it and put it away (not always where I can find it, however). Also I'm a bit territorial (my daughter is laughing at the "a bit" phrase--she'd mutter about crazy neat).  So for the sake of our relationship I'll use my nest as an office and we'll have a flat where we are equal.

Thus, we now have the "warren" a flat owned by a friend two doors down on our street which has received the most beautiful street in Argelès award. We have it until the end of June then again in September. Rick and I will move back to the nest but we're travelling a good part of July and most of the summer is lived out on the street, with friends or in cafés so space will not be a problem.

The owner is a Danish artist. The flat was once an art studio where I gave writing seminars. I love its original stone walls and wooden beams, but wherever you look is original art work.

A Danish sculptor used the original stone for his art work. This is one of the two stone walls in the kitchen.

Sculpture, flowers and painting are on the three stairs leading to the kitchen.

I adore this sculpture done by the owner. There is such grace in the figure. I'd love to look as good but with a bit more colour.

Our bedroom opens onto a small terrace but there's a wood sculpture over the bed. Also love the amount of stone walls, although my "nest" does have an original stone wall.

Paintings with a very oriental feel over the couch.

Because the place has two bedrooms we'll be able to offer accommodation to guests, something my "nest" lacked. I don't know how long this will be a solution, but I can guarantee that we will do better in shared territory. I'm already coping with not having every surface totally free of clutter and absolutely nothing out of place except when being used, Rick is reducing his ability to have every thing he owns scattered around.

We both agree the other's happiness is more important than neat or messy.

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