Tuesday, June 25, 2013

I love my pig

Ever since I spent a day entering sales figures years ago when I worked for Digital Credit Union. I got up and before I could go back, something went wrong. 

I was faced with a blank screen and nothing was saved. This was the old days when computing was in its infancy and automatic saving didn't exist.

Despite better recovery methods, I'm still paranoid about saving things. In fact, I back up my documents three ways.

  • Hard Disk
  • Dropbox (even if the NSA is looking)
  • And on my pig

A pig you might ask. Yes, it's my USB key (not UBS the Swiss bank or what I call the Ugly Bank of Switzerland) which may have some resemblance to pigs if you believe pigs' bad press of being greedy.)

Sometimes people who happen to be near my laptop will ask why a pig is sticking out of my computer. I tell them it's my USB key. Some give me a long oooookaaayyy and probably vow not to let their children near me while others ask where I found it so they too can take a boring element like a USB key and make it a bit of fun.

Meanwhile, my pig is useful and knows he will never become bacon.

1 comment:

theodora said...
