Monday, March 04, 2013

I love subtle

As a writer, I don’t like writing sex scenes. I’m not a prude, but overall sex scenes tend to be boring to write and usually boring to read.

The same in the movies. There’s not a lot of originality.

However there are two great movie sex scenes which are far more erotic while being subtle than anything explicit.

Gone with the Wind: Rhett carries Scarlet up that beautiful staircase. Fade out. Fade in with Scarlet smiling like she’s never smiled before. My imagination was better than anything that could be filmed.

FDR, A Royal Weekend: Ok, FDR although I may have loved his politics, he would never replace Clooney, Garou or hundreds of other males as a sex symbol. But this film had a scene so finally done that it could win both a PG rating and the imaginative sex scene of the year award should one be given.

FDR is driving Daisy, his cousin and future mistress, in his convertible. They go into this field with nothing else around and he stops the car. He puts his hand on her knee. She responds. The camera pulls back so only the back of their heads and shoulders are showing in the topless car surrounded by country. Only ever so slowly can one see FDR moving slightly.


1 comment:


I agree, subtle is better for me. Both in reading and writing. In fact, I steer away from books with raw graphics. Nope, don't need them!
Appreciated your take on this and I'm a sucker for Rhett and Scarlett.