Monday, March 11, 2013

I don't understand the bureaucratic mind

It isn't just culture difference, although that showed its head last week when I wanted to sign the contract for our Aug. 10th commitment ceremony hall. Get it off my plate...the Argelès Mairie doesn't issue the contracts until the week before the event. I know I'm a bit neurotic about getting things done in advance, but still.

Earlier this week we, the we being Llara and me, went to Crèdit Agricole so she could be listed on my account. I had done the same for my friend Barbara on her postal bank account (Post Offices also serve as banks in many countries).

She opened a different account and wanted me to have access to her funds. If something happens to her, I'll be able to get funds to her daughters.

It wasn't even a different account, but an extension, but we had to go through the listing process all over. They have a dossier with all my required paperwork.

I brought my identity card and a statement from Crédit Agricole to show I was still at the same address.

Not so fast. It has to be an electrical or phone bill for a landline. Both payments were listed on the statement on my account, but that wasn't good enough.

A Swiss or French driver's license wouldn't have been any good either even though they are government issued.

I don't understand the bureaucratic mind. 

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