Friday, August 06, 2010

Point of view

When writing, point of view is important. My point of view of Argelès is usually from my flat, from the streets, from La Noisette.

A group of us had planned a picnic on a lake and wouldn't you know, the one rainy day of the summer was THAT day.

One of the potential picnickers who lives in the nearby mountains, suggested we all go to her house for lunch instead. There were five of us: three with the German mother tongue, two with American English and all with some French as a common language. One woman speaks all three. I could choke out a few German sentences and understood maybe 20 percent of what was being said in German as I metaphorically kicked myself for not being more rigorous in relearning my German this year and giving into computer games rather than declension drills.) However, we understood each other as we shared stories, listened to jazz and even danced a bit, just another example of how well women can communicate.

What does this have to do with point of view? I snapped a picture of Argelès. It is almost in the middle to the left of U-shaped branches. The sea is hidden by clouds. I had never seen Argelès like this and fell even more in love with it.

My point of view, my village.

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