Saturday, July 10, 2010

Moth wars

Normally, I am a peaceful person. I am anti war, anti death penalty. When a wasp enters my house I try and catch it in a towel. I can feel its vibrations as I carry them in towels so they won't sting and jettison them out of my window. I doubt if they feel gratitude to their second chance in life, but that is all right. I have not killed.

For the first time last year my studio nest was invaded by moths not the kind that eat your clothes. Instead they nibble away on your flour, polenta, rice, oats leaving them clumped.

One I could coexist with, but they invite their brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, friends, cousins, second cousins, third cousins, fourth cousins and hold conferences where moths come from all over France and Spain. I won't say their little wings are deafening flapping in unison, but having them flicker by unleashes my inner warrior.

Someone told me the laurel leaves makes them go away.

Someone lies.

I gathered laurel leaves from the river bank, and another friend gave me several branches from her garden.

The moths appreciated the decoration and invited more of their friends and relatives and had another convention this time with moths from Germany and Italy with which they probably negotiated mutual aid treaties in case of laurel decorations.


I debated using drones, but was told at A Dix Balle, an store that sells everything under 10 Euros, sticky strips with some sexy smell (if you are a male moth) would get rid of them. I bought two strips and within days they were covered with dead horny moth men who probably died happy because they thought they were about to be surrounded by sexy female moths. There may be a lesson in that, but I am not sure what it is.

So far I've spent 60 Euros (far less than the Pentagon budget that is more than all other countries in the world spend on warfare) but a large amount for me to fill the cards and try not to fill guilty when I yell die baby die.

I guess we all have a hidden violent side.

Does Obama need a new defense secretary?

1 comment:

Esther said...

Hidden violent side? You don't want to hear about me and slugs - although I do stop short of salting them.