Thursday, June 03, 2010

Candy visits

I burst through the door to run catch the bus just as a little Westie wanders into the yard. Dogs are seldom loose.

Reopening the door I call to my housemate.

We shoo the pup into the house.

"Munchkin?" My housemate asks.


We don't need to say where is the cat, or can you find the owner, or run catch your bus or anything else. We just know what the other is thinking. She nods, shuts the door and I make the bus with under a nanosecond to spare.

Once in the tea room awaiting my writing student I call her.

"I called her owner," my housemate says. "They didn't know she got out and will down to get her in a few minutes. Meanwhile she is eating up Munchkin's food."

I have not asked Munchkin her opinion as she looked in the window to see Candy gobbling down her Friskies. Maybe it is better if I don't.

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