Friday, August 21, 2009

I ate a scallop

Now that shouldn't be earth shattering but it was the first one I ate in the last 47 years? And it was by accident. I was eating with a friend who said, "try this," and popped it into my mouth.

I used to love scallops. Then I ate some and was violently ill. It happened a second time, and a third time I could barely breathe. I stopped eating them.

Clams, snails, oysters, shrimp and worse lobster used to produce the same result. I would risk it with lobster. Now I can eat lobster and shrimp but there was no way I was going to risk a scallop test.

I was able to breath. I did not develop a close relationship with the water in my toilet bowl for hours on end. Obviously something has changed in my body.

Glory Halleljah

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