Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Camera, a new hero, conference and panic

Meez 3D avatar avatars games

This was the first week in almost five years I've felt under mega pressure. I wanted to get a newsletter out and 33 articles fell into place. A weekly newsletter of that size is not unusual, except usually I can decide the day it goes out, but I wanted it out before I leave for Barcelona on Friday for the WOCCU conference I'll be covering. Usually it takes 4-5 days. This took 2.5 BUT IT IS GONE! A little less pressure.

The problem happened with the camera. Since I'm covering the conference for not only my CU Newswire, I'm also covering it for my old trade journal and I've promised photos. The battery needed recharging. Holy Moly. The charger was in Geneva.

The local photo shop ordered a new one, it arrived, but the battery didn't recharge. Back to the shop. The man got a new battery in it and is making sure it is fully charged. He is truly my hero. I've never been a happy photographer, esepcially when I do it professionally. Snaps are something else. Okay pressure went down once I knew the camera would be workable.

I picked up the painting of Sardane dancers done by my neighbour that I will put into the silent auction. The money goes to support micro finance projects in developing countries. Annie had framed it so it won't bend. Pressure went down.

When I finished the necessary stuff I ALMOST beat a regular Scrabble opponent. I used to think I was a good player until I started playing with him. He scores in the 500-700s. So impressive, I don't mind being schmuckled ALMOST

I am packed except for the computer. Tomorrow is almost a free day. We've plans for dinner and then tickets to see Julien Clerc

I love covering this conference. WOCCU does so much good work spreading micro finance opportunities throughout the world. 1100 people are expected from 62 countries, including many old professional friends. It will be hetic. I usually start at about 7 in the morning and finish at midnight. It will be doubly so writting for both journals and tweeting at @CUNewswire but if the past conferences that I've done are any example, I will feel so alive.

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