Sunday, March 01, 2009


The last time I coloured my hair was before I went to the States for Christmas. I have several neighbours with beautiful silver white hair. At one time in my youth, I bleached my hair white (the roots grew before I left the beauty saloon, so it didn't last long, but I loved the white hair for the 32 seconds it was rootless). Wigs were in at the time so I bought a white wig.

I am also tired for colouring my hair.

"Don't do it," some friends said, including one of the white haired lovelies. It will make you look older, a knitting granny...(I've knitted for years and have taken it up again recently).

"We know you as the red head," others said.

"Think of how many clothes you have that are perfect with your hair," was another comment.

Low and behold as time passed, my roots were silver. IN THE FRONT...The back was dark. I knew if my hair grew out I would look like a genetically challenged skunk, the front half of my head white and the back half dark...

I've redyed my hair and only my avatar in this blog has the look I would love to have...

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