Thursday, March 26, 2009


My obsessive compulsive postmaster...

I needed to mail two tubes of diaper rash creme to an expectant mother to keep her until she figures out the equivalent here...

I bought one of the cleverly made mailing cartons that the post sells and he explained to me step by step how to put it together, which was exactly like the last 22 times I used the boxes.

I wrote very carefully...he needs to approve my handwriting...but I put the label on upside down. Knowing how many tries it might take to get equally good printing on the label, he carefully removed the address part and turned it rightside up...

Half of me finds him amusing, half of me finds him frustrating and half of me wishes that if everyone did their job thoroughly, we would all have less problems created by shoddy workmanship and yes I know that's three halves.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I like your swiss mailman story. But I have another question entirely because I am desperate.....

Where can I find soft hamburger buns in Switzerland. The Migros, Coop ones all look legally bunny but they are hard and a hamburger is just not the same.

Any advice would be really appreciated what with bbq season coming and the Swiss relatives lining up... they think I make the best burgers in the world. Imagine that with the buns I have to work with.....