Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I'm a winter kinda gal

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I admit it, I'm a winter person, which makes no sense because I am always cold. When others are running around in t-straps, sandles and shorts I wear slacks, socks and shirts. In winter if they sleep in cute little sexy nighties, I have on socks, flannel pjs, a turtleneck, etc. as I burrow under layers of covers.

Today I walked to Marronier for filet des perches for lunch. The snow-covered Jura glistened, the bise took chunks of my cheeks, but I was snug in my leather coat and layers of sweaters, lined mittons, scarf and hat. It felt wonderful.

Then again winter is:
*Thick sweaters

*Fuzzy socks
*Reading in bed
*Pots of tea (preferably with a chocolate something)
*A fire in the fireplace
*Cinanmon toast
*Kicking snow (notice the S word doesn't come in and for those thinking nasty, shovel)


Unknown said...

I can't relate. Here I am, working myself into embracing the snow.

Melissa Miller said...

Mmm...I see hot chocolate in our future. How's next week for you?

Catherine Nelson-Pollard said...

So how do you keep so slim with all those chocolates and fondues then? Go on tell us 'yer secret.