Thursday, September 04, 2008

Le petit chat

My dinner companion and house guest turned her eyes to the waiter and smiled and in excellent French said, "The meal was delicious, but I cannot eat it all. Do you think, please, it would be possible to take it home with us, I have this tiny, little cat." Almost blink, blink, blink.
"Little cat," he said with a disbelieving air as he cleared our plates.
She nodded.
However, he returned with the duck wrapped in tinfoil along with our cheese course.
Neither of us had much room and we knew a wonderful dessert was to follow.
"I could say I have a tiny, little mouse and ask for him to wrap it," I said.
We both giggled and decided that in a country where doggie, kitty or mouse bags are very uncommon in restaurants we would just add the cheese to top of the duck when the waiter was occupied in another part of the restaurant and carried the little tinfoil packet home to have its photo snapped on my counter top.

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