Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Sounds, Smells, Touch

The temperature was in the high teens so I could go out with just a sweater and I headed for the beach. Usually I pay attention to what I see…
This time I wanted to concentrate on the other senses. Here are the lists:

Breeze rustling the palms and other leaves
Jack hammer by street workers
Hammering by people readying the stores for the Easter weekend opening
Sawing by people readying the stores for the Easter weekend opening
Bird song
One VERY pissed off crow
Roller blades on bricks
Glasses clinking toasts at café
Spoon tinkling while stirring sugar in espresso
Children laughing
Conversation in murmurs
One child crying
Dog barking
Squeak of push chair wheel
Dust from gravel being churned into air from street works

Last of the Mimosa
Diesel fuel
Sea Air
Meat cooking
Onions cooking
Fresh coffee brewing
Fresh dirt (person planting tree in yard)
Saw dust

The breeze on my cheek
The breeze blowing my hair until it caressed my cheek
The sun on my face
The roughness of the sand in my shoe
The bumps of the gravel on the still unpaved road
The hardness of the bench on which I sat
The warmth of the bench through my slacks as I sat down to read
The lightness of not having a coat on

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