Thursday, August 30, 2007

Living backwards

After my morning read, I flipped on the TV to see if the world has ended during the night and flip through the news stations, BBC, F2, France24, CNN and Aljazerra. This morning I did a double take. CNN was backwards as were the streaming headlines and the anchors were on the opposite sides of which they normally sit. Then the weather came on and instead of being on the left of the map, London was on the right. The same with the US map. California was right, Florida left (and this has nothing to do with politics). Thinking CNN had it wrong, I ran through the channels. They were all flipped. I unplugged and replugged the set. Backwards still.

Then I decided it must be with my satellite provider. Maybe it would be good to spend the day backwards, eating dinner first, breakfast last, taking a shower than getting undressed…etc. Although I haven’t gone there, there’s a restaurant in Switzerland where you start with coffee and end up with your starter.

Then I thought maybe we could run Iraq backwards and the millions the US has killed directly and indirectly would be alive again, the bombed buildings would rise from the rubble, US soldiers that lay under flags would be reunited with their families. Backwards could be good.

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