Monday, May 21, 2007

Guilt and Trees

The planet is in crisis and I know that every bit of electricity I use is destroying life. I know every second a car engine runs the planet is in more danger.

Now although I can reduce driving to a minimum and make sure no electricity is wasted, I am just one person.

I also know flights represent a real danger to the planet, but I do need to go to Calgary this summer on business. The plane will go whether or not I am on it but that doesn’t mean that I am innocent of being part of the problem while I am in the air.

Then I read how Desjardins Group is planting 97,000+ trees to balance the energy used by their members to attend their annual meeting.

I made the decision that I will plant a tree for every flight I take. So I am sending to messages to friends with land – so many have apartments – that if they let me know I will buy them a tree.

Will my trees save the planet??? Absolutely not, but then again, it may balance just a tiny, tiny bit of the damage I am doing.

So friends who read this and want a tree, let me know.

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