Monday, January 29, 2007

Time management -- not my strong point

This was one of those days when I stopped work and went to the bank and byto the station to buy train tickets for Paris and Geneva, simple chores all within walking distance. The time should have been 15 to 20 minutes. It took a couple of hours, although my bank card problem was quickly solved.

The problem was based at La Noisette. The first time I ran into the ladies I lunched with a week ago. Then another man came in. He had to tease me about a website I refused to be commandeered into doing for another local. A cup of tea was necessary.

Then coming back from my errands a group sat there including a woman I hadn’t seen since November. Naturally it involved another café sit and it would have been rude not to have a glass of wine.

She had hoped over from the UK on a £1 pound fare, and admitted some guilt over increasing her carbon footprint, but compared to the train fare of several hundred, the chance to come outweighed the environmental considerations.

More and more I hear people say they try to drive less, use less harmful products, etc. but all admit convenience and cost add to their decisions sometimes to the detriment of the environment.

My carbon footprint might have been clean because as usual I accomplish 90% of my missions without using resources, but my time management skills might need a bit of fine tuning – or not…

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