Saturday, May 06, 2006

T-shirt politics

In between the American Library Spring Book sale and the Indian Festival in my old commune I had time to kill so I settled down in my beige favorite leather chair in a corner. The library is small, but has more reading matter than I could possibly keep up with. The staff is friendly and going there is almost like a visit to a well-loved relative.

“Oh, I love your shirt,” I heard the librarian say.

“It’s great,” the other volunteer on the desk said.

I heard other comments about it from the stacks.
Then he came by and I saw what they were talking about it.

It said, “Don’t blame me, I voted for Kerry.” I added my appreciation of it.

This is the new version of the popular bumpersticker during Watergate “Don’t blame me I’m from Massachsuetts” the only state NOT to vote for Nixon.

It makes me wish that Gore had been allowed to take office. There would be far less national debt, there would be more concern over the environment and over 2000 American soldiers would be alive and many more not traumatized or damaged from the violence they have had to wrought.

Also, if Gore had been president the man wouldn't need his T-shirt.

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