Sunday, March 19, 2006

You can't believe in stereotypes

The Swiss Germans have a reputation for being cold and unfriendly, but if one woman on a train is an example, they are in danger of losing that reputation. I wanted to go to Schenderleggi, but the name was not posted on the board by the track where the station attendant told me to wait. On the train I asked this fortiesh blond in my bad German if it were the right train.

“Ja,” she said and showed me on the map that covered the trays at each seat the route. When the conductor announced the stop in his sing song Swiss Deutsche, she turned and held both thumbs up. I smiled and thanked her, but her helpfulness wasn’t through. She led me to the door and made sure I knew how to push the button that opened the doors. “Sie Sind eine gute Frau,” I said.
”Merci,” she said.

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