Thursday, March 23, 2006

Phish and Philosophy

I was the only one in the store, but it took almost a half hour to buy a fish filet. Dani, the fishmonger, stood behind the crush-iced-ladened counter with the fish arranged artistically in head-to-tail order. Cut lemon, cooked prawns, tartar sauce were decoratively displayed. I made my selection in minutes. We spent the time talking about life, the importance of community and calmness, families, recipes, life in Paris vs. life in a village etc. Not a moment of my time was wasted as we laughed together and bridged new understandings. All that and a good piece of fish for lunch. She believes she should only be open mornings and never Sunday and Monday to give time to the things she enjoys in life. She has enough.

All that and a good piece of fish for lunch.

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