Thursday, February 16, 2006

Support Our Troops

Yes, Yes, Y E S, Y E S! The cameraman’s voice is almost orgasmic as he cheers on the Brits kicking and beating the Iraqi teenagers. I am not sure which is more sickening, his enjoyment or seeing the soldier kick the kid in the genitals. Other soldiers stroll by and do nothing.

When we say support our troops, we think of our kids as the good guys be they Brits or Americans. But when we ask them to kill and humiliate others aren’t we destroying their souls. No one talks about the atrocities we are asking our boys to perform, but if they were raised with a sense of moral justice, is it little wonder so many are suffering from post traumatic syndrome. Sadly the National Guard men aren’t eligible for help, so support may be meaningless even here.

Now there are new photos of torture from Abu Ghrahib done by our boys.

I can’t support their actions and more I can’t support the government that asks us to support them in an illegal war. We are supporting them to do unthinkable acts because we do not want to think about what we are doing to others

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