Thursday, October 06, 2005

French Strikes


I love the French who strike at the drop of a flash of a thought that maybe someone might be considering maybe thinking about reducing one of their rights. Within seconds they are out on the street yelling don’t mess with my social contract be it health care, education, four weeks vacation, difficult in firing, etc.. October 4th over one million French brought public services to a standstill over issues relating to their well being.

There are times when the strikes (grèves) can be a pain. I wanted to go to Paris on the 4th but no trains were working. Instead I went on the 5th. But I prefer that to the American people who have seen the number of those without health insurance go up, the infant mortality rate soar to third world standards, job insecurity increase, the value of their salaries remain static or decrease without even a bleat of protest. It seems that as conditions deteriorate in the US more and more lie down and write welcome on their chests for people to walk on. We let our leaders pass legislation that sends jobs out of the US and helps keep us in an ever increasing state of poverty while limiting our basic freedoms through the Patriot Act. We believe their bullshit about fighting terrorists at home if we don’t fight them abroad.

And I also admit that it is a bit over the top when those on welfare ask for a 13th payment to match the 13th payment salaried workers receive each year.

Part of being a citizen of any country is actively participating by voting, by boycotts, by fighting back to everything not in the general interest. It is paying attention how actions, purchases, etc. affect not just an individual but the enlarged community. It keeps a balance between those in power and those who need to band together to not be over ridden.

The French do it very well pains in the ass and all.

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