Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Being Right is Fun

I said last year I paid too much tax. I know everyone says it, but I did. When I went to get my final she-has-paid-all-her-taxes form stamped for my Swiss citizenship dossier in fall 2004, they told me I owed mega-francs more. This surprised me because my income in my alleged retirement had taken such a nose dive, but I paid it and got the form stamped and signed.

Now, I don’t mind paying Swiss taxes. I live in a country with safe, clean streets, a good education system, an excellent public transportation system, etc.etc.etc. I never considered the taxes exorbitant. The infrastructure has to be paid for and I feel my taxes are going for a good use for my benefit and for the benefit of everyone around me. However in 2004 my taxes almost exceeded my annual income.

Imagine my pleasure to open an envelope from the tax people to find repayment for my overpayment to the amount of the equivalent of almost a year’s living expenses if I am frugal and nine months if I am not. I am a happy, happy puppy.

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