Saturday, April 16, 2005

Speeding ticket

Having given up my car doesn’t mean I gave up my license, although I wasn’t quick to convert it from the Neuchâtel one to the Genevan. In fact when I did, the clerk looked at it and said with a French accent that would have done Maurice Chevalier proud, “You are a leeettle beet late.” I was about nine years and eight months late, but they still gave me the license.

When the woman whose house I share went to visit her mother for three weeks, she left me the use of the car. I mostly took the bus. In fact one of the few times I used it was to pick her up at the airport.

What I didn’t realize was that I was speeding and got caught by radar. The fine for 8 Ks over the speed limit was 120 CHF. I just found another reason to love trains and buses.

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