Saturday, March 19, 2005

Spring Cleaning

I am back in Argelès but I can’t get an internet connection. As soon as the computer store is open I am at the door. They say they are too busy, but I beg, so they promise to try.

Having the next six hours to do nothing, I decide to spring clean. My studio is in an attic, the grenier. It has a cathedral wooden ceiling with a skylight and lots, and lots of texture. It is perfect for a minimalist and the lack of space makes minimalism necessary, a good circle. For photos

I discover 25 English and 10 books I will never read again. Out, out, out. The remaining are filed as to read, cookbooks, reference, photo albums (but not in alpha order—my neurosis with neat does have its limits).

Why do I have three bottles of nail polish remover when I don’t use nail polish? Out, out, out.
I sort through my papers. So much extra junk. Out, out, out. Now there is not one sheet of paper that isn’t necessary. And for the first time everything is filed, almost in order.

Tourist booklets. There is one book that covers everything. One local map, one regional map. The rest? Out, out, out.

I have two pans more than I need. I’ve never used them. Out, out, out.

I wash everything: my fireplace tiles are spotless and a copper bowl with pinecones is in the center of the tiles, an idea from a Salvation Army officer.

My goal is that when I die, my daughter can go through all my possessions in less than a morning and will have plenty of time for coffee breaks. If she were to clear out my studio today, I bet she could do it in an hour and half, although I suspect she will keep it and rent it.

A wonderful feeling of lightness comes over me as I learn that I have nothing extra, but exactly what I need and not a paper clip or a staple more. Just as I put the sponge away, the computer store calls. My laptop is ready.

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