Friday, December 17, 2004

Flunking an exam

As a student I was compulsive about passing exams. This compulsion has carried over to medical exams. Today I flunked my glaucoma test, not because I have the disease, but because I couldn’t keep my eyes open.

Each year when I visit the States I have my eyes checked. The cost is less than in Europe, the cost of glasses is way less and more important I can get the big, big glasses that my Europeans friends say are "pas chic." Okay, my hairdresser likes the look, but he is alone. I don’t care -- they protect my eyes.

For my dentist, my GYN and my intern I am a good patient. Thanks to my daughter’s hobby when she was infant of sticking her finger in my eye that resulted in myriad corneal abrasions, I have become paranoid about anything near my eyes. I do not wear mascara and even thinking about contact lenses causes all my body orifices to seal in fear. Even the thought of an eye exam causes sleepless nights and nausea on the day of the exam. And it is not like I can go over my notes one last time.

I was so proud of myself in "passing" the reading part of the test by reading the smallest line. This means I don’t need new glasses. I have an A. However, that joy was diminished by the F in glaucoma testing. Horrors I have averaged out to a C student in eye exams.

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